Ranah Minang

Ranah Minang
Rumah Adat Minangkabau

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

objek wisata

Bukittinggi wisata alam.


Letak jalan kelok 9 di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. Jalan Kelok 9 sekarang ini lagi tahap perbaikan, sekarang jalan kelok 9 sedang dibangun menjadi jalan layang kelok 9. setiap masyarakat yang melewati jalan ini pasti ingin behenti tuk pelihat pemandangan yang bagus, karena kelok 9 berada di antara dua bukit yang terjang.

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

City Center and Center noise in Bukittinggi

Rook controller that was founded in 1926 Maker is located in the city center, this building was designed by the son of Minangkabau Jazid and Sutan Persistence Ameh. Clock Tower is a symbol of Bukittinggi city tour which is surrounded by a garden of flowers and trees protectors, which can provide coolness and serves as the town square. From the top we can see how rnenikmati and natural beauty dotted around Bukittinggi Vang Mountain, Merapi, Mount Singgalang, Mount Sago and Sianok Gorge. One of the uniqueness of the Clock Tower is the number four is written with four digits of the Roman one that should be written with four digits of the Roman.

Around the Clock Tower has also built gardens that add vibrant and beautiful location with many trees and flowers and seating facilities and used to enjoy the views of the city is very charming, with a specific meal. In addition there are around the Clock Tower or the Palace of Bung Hatta Tri Arga and there is a plaza of Plaza Bukittinggi.